Yang LIU 刘杨

Assistant Professor in Financial Mathematics
School of Science and Engineering (SSE), CUHK-Shenzhen

Career Profile

Dr. Yang Liu is an assistant professor in financial mathematics in the School of Science and Engineering (SSE) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen).

Prior to this, he was a postdoc advised by Prof. Jose Blanchet in the Department of Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University and a postdoc advised by Prof. Ruodu Wang and Prof. Alexander Schied in the Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo. He received his doctoral (2021, Advisor: Prof. Zongxia Liang) and bachelor degrees (2016) in Mathematics at Tsinghua University (THU).

He conducts research in financial mathematics, operations research, applied probability and actuarial science, including:

  • financial mathematics: risk management, utility theory and optimization, portfolio selection;

  • operations research: distributionally robust optimization, reinforcement learning, financial engineering, FinTech;

  • applied probability: stochastic control/calculus, dependence modeling, extreme value theory;

  • actuarial science: risk measures, risk aggregation, risk sharing, pension plan management.

Dr. Yang Liu is actively seeking postdoc and doctoral candidates and research students. If you possess a passion for academic research, a solid foundation in mathematics, and aligning research interests, you are welcome to make direct contact via email.

Here is a website of weekly seminar on risk management and actuarial science organized by Zhanyi Jiao, Liyuan Lin and Qiuqi Wang under supervision of Prof. Ruodu Wang. Interested scholars or students are welcome to join in.


  1. (with Jose Blanchet, Jiayi Cheng and Hao Liu) Duality and Policy Evaluation in Distributionally Robust Bayesian Diffusion Control (2025). Preprint.

  2. (with Bingzhen Geng and Hongfu Wan) Systemic Risk Asymptotics in a Renewal Model with Multiple Business Lines and Heterogeneous Claims (2024). Preprint.

  3. (with Daxin Huang) Portfolio Benchmarks in Defined Contribution Pension Plan Management (2024). Preprint.

  4. (with Zhenyu Shen) PSAHARA Utility Family: Modeling Non-monotone Risk Aversion and Convex Compensation in Incomplete Markets (2024). Preprint.

  5. (with Bingzhen Geng and Yimiao Zhao) Value-at-Risk- and Expectile-based Systemic Risk Measures and Second-order Asymptotics (2024). Preprint.

  6. (with Shanyu Han and Jian Lei) A Modeling Framework on the Cash Flow and the Life Cycle of a Consumer Micro-enterprise (2024). Preprint.

  7. (with Zhanyi Jiao, Steven Kou and Ruodu Wang) An Axiomatic Theory for Anonymized Risk Sharing (2023). Preprint.

  8. (with Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam and Ruodu Wang) Convolution Bounds on Quantile Aggregation (2024). Operations Research, forthcoming.

  9. (with Zongxia Liang and Litian Zhang) A Framework of State-dependent Utility Optimization with General Benchmarks (2024). Finance and Stochastics, forthcoming.

  10. (non-alphabetical) Yao Xu, Xinzhi Liu, Lu Zhang, Wenxue Li, Yongbao Wu and Yang Liu. Fixed-time Bipartite Synchronization of Nonlinear Impulsive Time-varying Signed Networks with Delays (2024). Applied Mathematics and Computation, 480, 128905.

  11. (with Zongxia Liang, Ming Ma and Rahul Pothi Vinoth) A Unified Formula of the Optimal Portfolio for Piecewise HARA Utilities (2024). Quantitative Finance, 24(2), 281-303.

  12. (with Zongxia Liang) An Asymptotic Approach to Centrally-planned Portfolio Selection (2024). Advances in Applied Probability, 56(3), 757-784.

  13. (with Tolulope Fadina and Ruodu Wang) A Framework for Measures of Risk under Uncertainty (2024). Finance and Stochastics, 28, 363-390.

  14. (with Guohui Guan, Lin He, Zongxia Liang and Litian Zhang) Robust Dividend, Financing and Reinsurance Strategies under Model Uncertainty with Proportional Transaction Costs (2024). North American Actuarial Journal, 28(2), 261-284.

  15. (with Yuyu Chen, Peng Liu and Ruodu Wang) Ordering and Inequalities of Mixtures on Risk Aggregation (2022). Mathematical Finance, 32(1), 421-451.

  16. (with Zongxia Liang) A Classification Approach to General S-shaped Utility Optimization with Principals' Constraints (2020). SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58(6), 3734-3762.

  17. (with Lin He, Zongxia Liang and Ming Ma) Weighted Utility Optimization of the Participating Endowment Contract (2020). Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2020(7), 577-613.

  18. (with Lin He, Zongxia Liang and Ming Ma) Optimal Control of DC Pension Plan Management under Two Incentive Schemes (2019). North American Actuarial Journal, 23(1), 120-141.


MAT1001 - Calculus I (Fall 2024, Fall 2023), CUHK-Shenzhen
MAT7710 - Topics in Financial Mathematics (Spring 2024), CUHK-Shenzhen

Academic Presentations (selected)

The 25th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (contributed talk)

Sun Yat-sen University and Macquarie University (online), Jul. 2022

Title: Uncertainty aversion and equity improvement

The 2nd Waterloo Student Conference in Statistics, Actuarial Science and Finance (contributed talk)

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, Nov. 2021

Title: Ordering and Inequalities of Mixtures on Risk Aggregation


Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, Aug. 2021
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing (online), China, May 2021

Title: A Framework for Measures of Risk under Uncertainty

2020 SUSTech Workshop on Financial Engineering (invited talk)

Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2020

Title: A classification approach to general S-shaped utility optimization with principals' constraints

Actuarial Research VIRTUAL Conference 2020 (contributed talk)

University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln (online), USA, Aug. 2020

Title: Convolution bounds on quantile aggregation

The 1st Waterloo Student Conference in Statistics, Actuarial Science and Finance (contributed talk)

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, Oct. 2019

Title: Central-planned portfolio selection and Pareto frontier

The 3rd PKU-NUS Annual International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Economics (contributed talk)

Peking University, Beijing, China, May 2018

Title: The Pareto improvement policy in the participating annuity management


Chengdao 609, CUHK-Shenzhen

2001 Longxiang Blvd, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518172, China


  • PhD in Mathematics (with distinction)
    Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University
    2016 - 2021
  • BSc in Mathematics
    Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University
    2012 - 2016


Awards (selected)

  • Outstanding PhD Graduate of Beijing (2021)
  • Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award at THU (2021)
  • China National Scholarship (2018)
  • Mr. TANG Lixin Scholarship (2018)
  • Table Tennis: 2nd place in THU Table Tennis Man's Doubles Games (2/32) (2019)

Teaching Assistant (TA)

  • Probability Theory
    Spring 2021, THU
  • Stochastic Processes
    Spring 2019, THU
  • Stochastic Analysis
    Fall 2018, THU
  • Real Analysis
    THU TA Excellency First Prize
    Spring 2018, THU
  • Mathematical Analysis III
    THU TA Excellency Second Prize
    Fall 2017, THU
  • Applied Analysis
    Summer 2017, THU
  • Mathematical Analysis II
    Spring 2017, THU
  • Mathematical Analysis I
    THU TA Excellency First Prize
    Fall 2016, THU


  • Mandarin Chinese
  • English
  • Cantonese
